Fat Transfer

Radiofrequency Microneedling with the AGNES is used to precisely reduce fat, tighten the skin and treat acne or enlarged pores. The AGNES is a new approach to facial contouring without surgery. The precision single/triple needle system delivers energy to the skin or fat to produce heat. Focused heat reduces unwanted fat and contracts the skin. The targeted energy can treat the skin regardless of skin color type. Patients see improvement in eye bags, fatty jowl/neck/chin, tightening, fine lines, acne, pore size, with minimal downtime. We now have a tool that we can sculpt and reduce volume where we need to.

Fat transfer

Features & Benefits

Reduction of Under-Eye Bags

Agnes RF is highly effective in reducing under-eye bags, a common concern for many individuals. By precisely targeting the fat pads responsible for the appearance of under-eye bags, Agnes RF can break down the excess fat and tighten the surrounding skin. This helps to achieve a more rejuvenated and refreshed look to the under-eye area.

Acne Treatment

Agnes RF is highly effective in treating acne and reducing its associated scars. By precisely targeting the sebaceous glands responsible for acne formation, Agnes RF helps to regulate oil production, shrink pore size, and minimize the appearance of active acne. It also stimulates collagen production, which helps to improve the texture and smoothness of the skin, reducing the visibility of acne scars.

Non-Surgical Facial Lifting

Agnes RF can be used to achieve non-surgical facial contouring and lifting. The precise delivery of radiofrequency energy to specific areas helps to tighten loose or sagging skin, providing a natural lift to the face. This targeted approach stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin elasticity and a more youthful appearance.

Versatile Applications

Agnes RF is a versatile treatment that can address a wide range of aesthetic concerns. It can be used for non-surgical facial contouring and lifting, reducing under-eye bags, improving the appearance of double chin, and treating active acne and acne scars. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for addressing multiple cosmetic issues with a single treatment modality.

Before & After Results

Experience the Remarkable Transformation: Witness the Astonishing Before and After Results of Agnes RF